Stay tuned for next round!

Creating a workbook doesn’t have to be so confusing!

Join us in the workbook workshop to get live support over 6 weeks and finally put your ideas out into the world!

Enrollment Closed for Fall Cohort. Stay Tuned!

Have you thought about adding extra income but have no idea where to start? You think about these great ideas but then get lost in the process. The tech side of things can be defeating, I get it!

Or maybe you know the process but then can’t seem to find the time to get it done. You say you will start the project next week but then when next week rolls around you find another task to do. And repeat that over and over again. Sometimes we need that external accountability and support.

This workshop is for you! Together, we will go over every step of the process AND have coworking time so you can get it done!

This program is for you if you

  • want to add additional streams of income to your business!

  • are ready to grow your audience by offering more digital products!

  • have an entreprenuerial spirit and can see yourself turning these workbooks into courses or packages down the road!

  • see a gap in resources in the field and are ready to create that product!

  • want additional ways to serve your clients, and future clients!

Personalized support at each step of the way!

  • Weekly live zoom meetings! (replays uploaded within 24 hours)

  • Half the hour you get step by step instruction, half the hour is built in coworking and application time!

  • Exclusive Facebook group to get support, share ideas, and get feedback!

  • Get feedback on your drafts

  • Small group size ensures you get your questions answered!

What You Get in the Program

  • 6 live sessions (55 minute lessons from 3:00-3:55 central time.)

  • Replays uploaded to the course hub that you have lifetime access to. Plus extra bonus videos and resources!

  • Step by Step instructions on the process of creating and selling a workbook!

  • Access to a Facebook group only for group members to share ideas, get feedback, and encourage each other!

  • Personalized feedback that works for you, your business, and your audience. Not some cookie cutter approach!

  • If you'd like, your offer will get sent to my email list for a chance to reach my audience and make some early sales!

all of this for $299

The Schedule

Week 1 (October 2nd): Brainstorm and Prep Week!
Week 2 (October 9th):: Get Organized
Week 3 (October 16th): Canva, formatting, branding
Week 4 (October 30th): Draft and Feedback
Week 5 (November 6th): Setting up selling
Week 6 (November 13th): Follow up, adjustments, catch up!

*please note we skip the week of Oct 23rd so you have two weeks to work on your drafts!


Do I need to have an idea already?

Nope! The first week is all about brainstorming. Some folks know clearly what they want and others have no ideas. Both groups of folks found the brainstorming week helpful in thinking on what idea to start with and come up with future ideas!

What if I can’t make it live?

If you can attend most of the sessions live, then just catch the replays that are uploaded within 24 hours! You can send over any questions you have and I can answer those during class so you see the response in the replay.

If you would miss all/most of the classes live. You can either wait for another round and see if those times line up better OR check out the self-paced option here!

Do I need to be tech savy?

Nope! I have worked with folks who never opened canva before and others who are canva pros. I show step by step processes, and even the pros have said they learned new things with my tips and tricks!

What if I don’t have a large audience?

That’s okay! You know more people than you think you do. We also cover ways to grow your audience, get in front of others audiences, and find marketing tools that make sense for you!

Will I need to buy additional things?

Nope! I show how to create a workbook using all free resources including canva, email lists, and even websites. I discuss both paid and free options but you can easily create and sell a workbook without purchasing additional things.

Is this only for therapists?

Nope! I have had real estate agents, financial planners, coaches, teachers, and more in this program! My audience has a lot of therapists/helpers in it, but my examples and marketing tools work for most career types!

I help others create additional income streams and live a more balanced, joyful life. As a previously burned out therapist, I was ready to leave the field. My light was gone. I was helpless and hopeless. My creativty was gone and I was going through the motions.

Then I made some major changes. I now run two successful businesses and help others do the same. I am working less, earning more, and actually living my life. Workbooks have been a huge step in me acheiving this.

What started out as something fun and creative for me to do in my spare time, has now turned into a way I can replace my income from 1:1 work, earn passive income, and offer a variety of services at multiple price points. I also get to help folks like you do the same!

When I am not working, I am spending time with my cat likely cuddling and reading a smutty fantasy book. I like to hike with my husband, go thrifting, and watch college sports. I can’t wait to learn more about you!

Hi! I’m Alicia!

Live courses not your thing? Check out the self-paced option!

In the self-paced course, you get access to videos, guides, the Facebook group, and your offer still gets sent to my email list however you get to determine your own schedule.

There won't be live coworking BUT I will share tips with you on how you can schedule time for accountability AND the Facebook group is a great space to get accountability!