Alicia Johnson, a licensed therapist, is sitting in a chair holding a stack of books about trauma.

You don’t have to burnout to be successful.

Hi, I’m Alicia, a burnout coach and private practice consultant. I love helping therapists and entrepreneurs grow their income streams, organize their practices, and find meaningful work-life balance without sacrificing their success.

Grad school didn’t teach us how to prioritize our own needs.

In fact, many of us may have gotten messages about being a martyr and sacrificing our needs for the job. Now we are dealing with burnout and realizing this is not sustainable. You may be putting in 100 percent at work but then feeling exhausted at the end of the day.

I get it. You have a million things on your to-do list. Running a business, juggling all of life’s responsibilites, and just trying to survive is a FULL PLATE. However, we know that we can’t pour from an empty cup. You can learn how to take care of your own needs without feeling guilty or giving up on your goals.

woman typing on laptop with her phone and glasses next to hear. a plant is on the desk next to her.

You don't have to figure this all out on your own.

Instead of hearing someone just tell you to take a vacation or practice self-care, get specialized help to target YOUR unique situation. 

They don't teach us this part in grad school. We get taught that it is selfish to want more money or to not help everyone. Then we wonder why we are drained, exhausted, and wondering if we are cut out for this field.

You are meant to do this work. You just may need some support and guidance to help you thrive and work within your values instead of what others expect.

I got you!!