Resources and Discount Codes

Running a business can be hard, confusing, and expensive. Here are some tools that I use in my practice!

I am all about fee transparency and disclose any time I may benefit from you using a link.

Private Practice Resources

EHR (electronic health record):

Sessions Health. Use this link to get a free trial and if you sign up we both get a free month.

I enjoy sessions health for their committment to the customers, low fees, and great customer service.

Payment Processing:

Ivy Pay. Use this link or the code ALIJ493 to get $1000 in free charges. I also get $1000 free charges once you use IvyPay for the first time.

I use IvyPay as it is lower credit card processing fees than most processors and it sends superbills, GFE, and more through the HIPAA compliant app.